Release 30 | February 8, 2017

We've made some important improvements to Many of our changes in this release are meant to help you sign up and get started even quicker. 

It's easier to close the right panel now. Just click the top tab a second time or click the close button to return. 

We're going to keep the banner notifying you to confirm your account up until you've confirmed your account. When you first sign up for, you'll have to confirm your account through email before you can send any messages, so we don't want you to forget. 

We're reducing the number of places we ask you for your password, so you won't have to enter it in as often. 

We've renamed "Conversations" to be "Topics." "Topics" are group conversations in which you can add multiple people and customize the details of the conversation. "Messages," right below "Topics," are person-to-person messages. 

We've also added the ability for admins to add users through the contacts page. Admins can add users through the settings page of the team, as well.