Messaging norms that differ from email

Messaging norms that differ from email

Norms differ between email and messaging.  When it comes to email etiquette, there's an emphasis on formality and a lower tolerance for casual communication.  We explore 6 ways that message norms differ from email norms.

1. One-word responses

Back-and-forth emails can come across as too informal, but one work responses in messaging are okay.

2. Humor

When it comes to professional email, a transactional humorless approach is the norm and attempts otherwise can feel trite, but messaging is naturally more conversational.

3. Signatures

Messaging takes away the redundancy of signatures because there is really no need for a signature when you are messaging someone.  You can make your contact info availalable within the app without cluttering the messaging thread.

4. Speaking in all lowercase

Think about it – if you received a paragraph long email that was completely in lowercase form, it would look unprofessional.  In messaging there's a higher tolerance for informality for the sake for quicker communication.

5. Typos

The occasional typo is more forgivable if it’s in a chat message compared to if it were in an email. Also, in messaging apps like you can go correct typos that would otherwise impact the readability of your message.

6. Informal acronyms and abbreviations

In a messaging app “brb”,  “thx”, and other shortened phrases are more appropriate.  

With messaging the emphasis is on quick communication.  When compared to email, messagings higher tolerance for quickly crafted messages can reduce barriers for team communication.  We think you'll find the professional messaging app to be a great way to open up dialog within your organization.  Click the link below and try it out yourself.